At Drake Primary School, we want all children to meet their full potential by receiving high quality, adaptive teaching and individualised provision.
At our school, we want all of our children to meet their full potential by receiving the right amount of support and challenge. Sometimes children may need additional support to do well. We take a whole school approach to ensure that all children have the support and guidance they need.
The school SENDCo, Megan Stuart, works closely with the Pastoral Team, school leaders, class teachers, parents and other professionals.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Governing Body
Our named Governor for SEND is Tamsin Robertson.
The Governing body will determine the setting’s policy and general approach to the provision for children with special educational needs, maintaining a general oversight of the setting’s work.
Head Teacher
Our Executive Head Teacher is Louise Clements McLeod.
The Head of School for Drake Primary School is Victoria Langley.
The Head of School has the responsibility for the day to day management of all aspects of the setting, including the provision for children with special educational needs and disability. The Head of School, with support from the SENDCo, will keep the governing body fully informed. The Head Teacher will work with the SENDCo and staff to ensure that the policy is put into practice.
Our SENDCo for Drake Primary School is Megan Stuart.
Our SENDCo for Little Pirates Nursery is Susan Sayer.
They have responsibility for all pupils with Special Education Needs. They provide professional guidance to colleagues and work closely with staff, parents and other relevant professionals.
Class Teachers
Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all pupils in their class, including those with Special Educational Needs. Teachers are responsible for delivering high quality, adaptive teaching and, with the support of the SENDCO, ensuring that the provision and outcomes identified for pupils are fulfilled.