
Drake Primary School and Little Pirates Child Care

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School Nutrition Action Committee (SNAC)

What is SNAC?

The School Nutrition Action Committee is a working party of children and adults, formed to help review our school food culture and develop and implement an action plan. It is a way to bring different members of the school community together to make positive changes to our school food environment.



Summer 2024

The food waste project has continued this term with representatives beginning to monitor the amount of food wasted in each hall.

Following a rota, children have been collecting the necessary equipment at lunchtime to weigh the yellow food waste bags in both of our lunch halls. Children have then been recording this on a table so we can keep track of our results.

Spring 2024

This term, SNAC joined forces with Eco Council to start a food waste project. Representatives worked together to discuss their views on food waste within our school and all children agreed it was too high. It was decided that the food waste should be monitored so the children could identify how improvements might be made.

Both councils decided that the food waste in both halls should be weighed in order to get a better idea of exactly how much is being wasted. Children came up with a plan to weigh the yellow bags every day in each hall and record their results on a table.


It was decided to start weighing the food waste in Summer 1 as a new menu was due to come into effect. To inform families of the new menu and our intentions of monitoring waste, representatives worked together to write a letter.

Autumn 2023

The School Nurtition Action Committee meet every other Thursday lunchtime in the cookery room.


We started off this term by discussing the expectations for representatives when they attend SNAC meetings. We then heard from our Year 6 SNAC Lead who fed back some pupil voice collected by Mrs Mulford regarding the topic of cookery. The feedback was that children wanted:

  • more options of things to cook and eat in school
  • more experiments with food
  • more cooking opportunities
  • a day just for making food


SNAC have taken this feedback onboard and will be having a focus on improving cookery opportunities across the school.


To start their project, they did an audit of equipment available in the cookery room and made a request for some new equipment to be purchased. Here is what they purchased so far!

SNAC representatives then considered ways to make the cookery room more accessible to all ages. They decided to change the labels to include pictures to make it easier for children to find the equipment they need.
