
Drake Primary School and Little Pirates Child Care

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Drake and Little PiratesWhere a World of Opportunity Awaits


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Drake Primary School and Little Pirates Child Care

Welcome Text

As head of school for Drake Primary and Little Pirates Child Care I have the privilege of working with the best team of dedicated staff and wonderful children and their families. The children who attend our school speak a range of languages and come from all sorts of family backgrounds, it’s fun to be here and every day is different. The children are extremely polite, kind and thoughtful, it’s a pleasure to spend time in their company. As a new primary we are enjoying the process of creating a new school. The children have been designing their play spaces and helping the staff with their ideas for an inspiring and ambitious curriculum. At Drake and Little Pirates we know that this early phase of your child’s learning is the most important and we are proud of the service we provide to our families. We appreciate that the opportunities our school provides is key to your children’s future.

We encourage the children to be curious and ask questions, this is why we ensure full access to our Gold Award, Forest School Provision, we encourage the children to experience the outdoors as much as possible, educational visits or visitors each term, including swimming for all primary classes. 100 visits a year! In addition we provide one of the most well equipped schools in Norfolk for computing for primary aged pupils.

We were proud to be nominated for the Norfolk schools music award, as one of the top four schools in the County for music provision. Awarded Arts Mark Platinum this year, the only school in Norfolk ever to hold this presdigious award.This coupled with a Quality mark for Science, English and maths and a strong partnership with the Royal Opera House for performing Arts, enhances our Drake curriculum. Getting pupils ready, preparing them for High School and the next phase of their education.

We think Drake is a very special place, and as the most oversubscribed school in Norfolk, others agree. If you are choosing a school or looking for child care then our website is a good starting point. I encourage you to come and visit us to fully appreciate our lovely setting and meet the staff and pupils to judge for yourself.

Letter from our Head of School


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