
Drake Primary School and Little Pirates Child Care

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WB 1st March: World Book Day

World Book day
This week is World Book Day. Enjoy this fun music video made by MC Grammar. How many books can you spot clues for?
You might also enjoy watching MC Grammar rapping the Gruffalo to his daughter:

Firework by Katy Perry

Kerry Perry’s song Firework was inspired by a paragraph in a book. In this paragraph the author describes his favourite people as those ever-burning ‘roman candles across the night’ who fizz with life and never say a boring or commonplace thing. This resonated with Katy Perry: “When I heard that I was like, that is who I feel like I am, who I want to be, who I want to surround myself with -- those firework people.

"It’s just all about you igniting the spark inside of you.”


Ten Pieces: Anna Meredith
This month we are learning about the Scottish composer and performer Anna Meredith.
This is another of her pieces. What does it make you think and feel? What instruments can you spot?
Do you feel differently when you just listen to the music? What about when you watch and listen -  what does the video add to the music? What do you think Anna Meredith wanted you to think and feel while you watch her video? How did she achieve that with her music and filming? 

Assembly theme: Growth Mind Set
This week you’ll be thinking about Growth Mind Set in Assemblies.
Here is Bruno Mars singing about ‘Don’t Give Up’ on Sesame Street

This term’s School Value: Love
Listen to this school choir singing ‘Where is the Love’.
While you watch, think about what makes their performance so successful.

