
Drake Primary School and Little Pirates Child Care

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We use discussion and observational based assessment in both Reception and Year 1 so that a child’s full understanding is captured and assessed accompanied by photographic or work based evidence. Through careful tracking, we monitor children’s learning and provide opportunities for their individual next steps. Using Tapestry as an electronic platform for assessment, parents are able to constantly review and contribute to their child’s learning. We capture children’s interests and approaches to learning through the characteristics of effective learning and provide opportunities for children to make personal progress in all areas of learning. Children demonstrate curiosity and interest in their learning and maintain concentration and attention during a range of learning and play opportunities. Children are keen to share their efforts and achievements with others and develop learning resilience, perseverance and independence. Using children’s first hand experiences as a basis for their understanding we provide a range of resources to support early maths, storytelling, reading, writing, exploration and investigation. We have school aims to strive towards for the summer term to ensure that children are effectively equipped to move on to the next stage of their education.


At the end of the year, the children are assessed using the Early Learning Goals and their achievement in the EYFS Prime Areas: Communication and Language; Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Physical Development and Specific Areas Literacy and Maths. Children are assessed as working towards age related expectations, meeting age related expectations or exceeding age related expectations. Children who are assessed as meeting or exceeding age related expectations in all of these areas are considered to have a 'Good Level of Development' (GLD). 


EYFS Results 


Area of LearningDrake 2021Drake 2022National 2019

Local Authority


Communication language and Literacy86.481.68284
Personal, Social, Emotional Development88.183.38587
Physical Development98.393.38790


Key Stage 1 Assessment

In Year 2 from September and Year 1 from February, we use termly summative assessments so that we can identify gaps in children’s learning and provide additional teaching or support. Termly pupil progress meetings and parent consultations in all year groups ensure that all children are given the support required to meet their full potential. All information is used to make end of year assessment decisions across all school subjects. This information is shared in the yearly written report to parents.


Year 1 have an additional Phonics screening check assessment at the end of the Year which assesses the children's ability to use their phonics knowledge to decode and read words. If children do not meet the threshold expectation, additional support is provided and the child is reassessed at the end of Year 2.


Our ambitious curriculum promotes progression both within the academic year and across years so that children are able to consistently develop, refine and make progress with skills. Lesson and book monitoring and high expectations from the senior leadership team and curriculum leaders ensures that all staff at Drake consistently strive to enhance the opportunities and learning of children.


Year 1 Results

Children in Year 1 complete a phonics screening check in June to assess how they are able to decode using their phonic knowledge.

Drake 2022National 2022



Year 2 results

At the end of Year 2, teachers use a range of evidence including classwork, work in books and Statutory Assessments (SATs) to make assessment judgements for Maths, Reading, Writing and Science. 

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