At Drake, we follow a relationships policy which is designed to support the children to be successful and build trusting relationships in school where they feel they can be themselves.
The aims of our policy are -
Our School Rules
Praise no put down
Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
Follow instructions
Talk quietly stay on task
How do we support our children?
At Drake, our children are supported in their relationships and behaviour through a wide range of resources which help us to understand their needs.
Zones of Regulation
The Zones are a concept used to help students learn how to regulate. The Zones of Regulation creates a system to
categorize how the body feels and emotions into four colored Zones with which the students can easily identify. These are used consistently across our school and all children have access to them.
Blue Zone: Used to describe a low state of alertness. The Blue Zone is used to describe when one feels sad, tired,
sick, or bored.
Green Zone: Used to describe a calm state of alertness. A person may be described as calm, happy, focused, or
content when he or she is in the Green Zone. The student feels a strong sense of internal control when in the
Green Zone.
Yellow Zone: Used to describe a heightened state of alertness. A person may be experiencing stress, frustration,
anxiety, excitement, silliness, or fear when in the Yellow Zone. The student’s energy is elevated yet he or she
feels some sense of internal control in the Yellow Zone.
Red Zone: Used to describe an extremely heightened state of alertness. A person may be experiencing anger,
rage, panic, extreme grief, terror, or elation when in the Red Zone and feels a loss of control.