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WB 10th May - Mental Health Awareness week

Assembly theme – Mental Health Awareness week
The theme for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week is Nature. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) was a great lover of nature. He adored the countryside and would often take long walks regardless of the weather. He would nearly always be accompanied by his sketchbook so that in the heart of nature he could notate his ideas undisturbed by other humans.
This quote comes from a letter he wrote to his pupil and friend, Therese von Malfatti, in 1807:
“I am happy as a child at the thought wandering among clusters of bushes, in the woods, among trees, herbs, rocks. No man loves the country more than I; for do not forests, trees, rocks re-echo that for which mankind longs.”
Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony is his most famous work about nature, and rightly so. It was also one of the first classical works to explore the natural world through purely symphonic music.
His first movement is called “Awakening of cheerful feelings on arrival in the countryside.” – just how I feel when I go for walk in nature.

Biggest Sing
On 15 June 2021 we’ll be joining children in other schools and homes from across the UK to sing along with music legend Billy Ocean and help raise funds for Place2Be. Place2Be are a charity who support children’s mental health.
This video was made by another school who will be joining in with the Biggest Sing:


Virtual Big Sing:
Here is another song we’ll be joining in with for the Virtual Big Sing, Never Enough from the Greatest Showman.


Ten Pieces – Mussorgsky’s Night on Bare Mountain
Modest Mussorgsky was a composer born in Russia in the year 1839. He was an innovator of Russian music in the Romantic period. He strove to achieve a uniquely Russian musical identity, and was part of a group of Russian composers called 'The Five'. Many of Mussorgsky’s works were inspired by Russian history, folklore and fairy stories that were told to him by his Nanny when he was growing up.
The story that inspired this piece of music was an old Russian legend in which St John sees witches meeting on a mountain near Kiev. It's a wild and terrifying party with lots of dancing but when the church bell chimes 6am and the sun comes up the witches vanish.
Find out more:

Assembly theme – Eid-Al Fitr (Isalm)
Eid ul Fitr is a Muslim holiday celebrated when Ramadan, the month of fasting, finishes.

These are days of Eid by Dawud Wharnsby
Dawud Wharnsby Ali is a Canadian Muslim. He has written many nasheeds for young people. A nasheed is a moral or religious song that may be sung with or without musical instruments. Nasheeds are popular throughout the Islamic world. The material and lyrics of a nasheed usually make reference to Islamic beliefs, history, and religion, as well as current events.
This children’s nasheed is about Eid.

Ya Leilet El Eid by Umm Kulthum (1939)
Umm Kulthum was an Egyptian singer, songwriter, and film actress active from the 1920s to the 1970s. She was known for her vocal ability and unique style. 
This song begins with lyrics welcoming the eve of Eid, stating that the holiday has "warmed our hearts" and renewed our hopes.
