What is Achievement for All?
Achievement for All is a whole school project where we work with children, parents and the wider community to improve outcomes for children. At Drake we follow these principles and teachers and parents work together to support children's learning. Each class teacher decides on two pupils, who have shown that they are vulnerable from falling behind. They will then work with parents and the children to target the support they provide for these children to help them make accelerated progress.
The steps we follow are listed below:
• Assessment, tracking and intervention included, in the initial stages, the use of the Assessing Pupil Progress (APP) approach to track pupils’ progress, the setting of curriculum targets and implementation of appropriate interventions to support children and young people to make progress in their learning (National Strategies, 2009).
• Structured conversations with parents focused on the use of a clear framework for developing an open, ongoing dialogue with parents about their child’s learning. Training was provided for schools, which emphasized the building of parental engagement and confidence via a four‐stage model (explore, focus, plan, review) in up to 3 structured conversations per year with parents.
• Provision for developing wider outcomes involved schools developing whole school strategies and key actions to support children and young people to make progress in any two of the following areas: attainment, attendance, behaviour, bullying, confidence, positive relationships (pupil‐teacher and pupil‐pupil) and participation in extended service provision.
We review these targets on a termly basis and work closely with parents to support their children.