In Year 1, learning continues to be balanced between child initiated and adult led learning as children practise and refine their skills and understanding. Teaching begins with short whole class input and focused small group work during which children are introduced to concepts and skills and guided to record their learning. Further planned experiences are then offered through play and continuous provision to enhance and extend this learning through self selection of experiences within the environment supported by adults to ensure coverage of Key Stage 1 objectives. With purposeful, practical and playful learning opportunities, children are able to explore the concepts that they have been taught by their teachers and apply their understanding in a range of contexts to develop mastery. The children are supported to develop self-discipline and positive attitudes for learning which aids the development of independence and learning behaviours which will support their learning throughout school underpinned by our school values and learning powers. Teachers work with children to develop success criteria linked to planned learning objectives and discuss what these may look like enabling them to assess their own learning which they are then able to record and share on an online platform, therefore making purposeful use of technology to support their learning. Further opportunities to share their learning is also maximised through whole school projects, focused work with the Drake School Radio and collaboration with partner schools worldwide.
Themes planned ensure coverage of the National Curriculum objectives as well as our Drake Primary led initiatives. With a focus on identity and journey, children are encouraged to explore themes that celebrate diversity and individuality and builds on their learning from Reception to examine important concepts and develop personal, social and emotional skills to access the curriculum fully. In line with the schools mission, vision and aims, Year 1 maximises opportunities for art, music and performance throughout the year. Children are increasingly supported to become independent learners and teachers carefully plan to ensure that as well as the practical learning experiences, children are effectively supported to develop their reading and writing within all academic subjects to enable them to be successful across the full curriculum. Staff also make use of other assessment opportunities such as observation and pupil voice so that they can fully capture the children’s knowledge, understanding and reasoning and extend their learning further.
Year 1 remains flexible to respond to and meet the needs of children through a carefully planned indoor and outdoor environment and any gaps in children’s skills or knowledge are incorporated into teaching and/or the environment. This ensures that children remain at the centre of planning whilst still maintaining high expectations for their attainment and progress.