
Drake Primary School and Little Pirates Child Care

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Vision Statement 

Our aim is to develop curious and creative users of technology that can operate safely in digital spaces and interact confidently with high-level programming languages. We want to inspire the next generation of morally-grounded, forward-thinking software engineers. We recognise that Computing - perhaps more so than any other subject - is a rapidly evolving discipline, and as such we strive to deliver a relevant and responsive curriculum that keeps pace and looks to the future.


We will provide relevant training for our staff, ensure Computing resources are effectively used, work with external partners to ensure our assessments are accurate, use assessments to carefully plan next steps, provide appropriate resources to support all our pupils and offer enrichment opportunities to inspire a life-long love of computing and technology.


To achieve this, our Computing lessons are observed to be of the correct challenge for all groups of pupils, teachers are confident in making judgements, progress is achieved and next steps are carefully planned.


We are well resourced to deliver this curriculum. Every classroom has a teacher laptop and interactive whiteboard. Each year group has access to dedicated Chromebooks and iPads, which can be brought into the classroom. We have a range of additional resources such as Beebots, Crumble Controllers and the latest generation of BBC Micro:bits. Each year group explored their very own virtual adventure using Virtual Reality (VR) headsets!

In our Programming units, pupils will be able to:

  • give instructions to my friend
  • tell you the order I need to do things, called an algorithm
  • program a robot or software to do a particular task (Beebot)
  • spot where a program goes wrong so that I can debug it
  • write algorithms, debug and test code (via languages and applications like Scratch, Logo and Python) and control technology such as BBC Micro:bits and Crumble controllers
  • use repetition and iteration (forever/count-controlled loops) to write more efficient code
  • use conditional selection (if... then statements) to control the flow of a program 
  • save information inside a variable so it can be used throughout a program 

In our Data and Information unitspupils will be able to:

  • use the most suitable technology to collect information
  • make bar charts, line graphs and pie charts and use them to answer questions
  • enter data into a spreadsheet and use functions and formulae to answer questions
  • store data in the correct format in a database and use it to answer questions

In our Creating Media units, pupils will be able to:

  • use PCs and tablet devices to store, retrieve, edit and present their ideas in different word processing apps and software, such a MS Word, Google Docs and iPad Pages
  • use technology to create digital artwork, stop motion animation and video
  • use technology to create digital music, using apps such as GarageBand and Launchpad

In our Digital Literacy units, pupils will be able to:

  • identify uses of technology within school and at home
  • think about how long I should be spending online
  • keep my passwords secure
  • cite other’s work following copyright
  • become responsible digital citizens
  • explore how the media can play a powerful role in shaping our sense of identity

In our Online Safety units (Project Evolve), pupils will be able to:

  • tell an adult when they see something unexpected or worrying online
  • identify the personal information they shouldn’t share online
  • talk about why it’s important to be respectful online
  • recognise what games are safe and appropriate
  • recognise a website that’s right for them
  • check with an adult before downloading any new software
  • follow Childnet's SMART Online Safety rules in school