Peer Mentors
Our Peer Mentors have been selected for their exemplary behaviour and conduct in school. The criteria was to be:
a friendly and approachable person that children can ask for help
a good listener
supportive and kind.
willing to play with children who are lonely
able to help others by informing adults of any concerns or worries they have about another child
able to help make the playground a happy and safe place
willing to share experiences
confident to show children around the school
good role models
As a Peer Mentor the children will complete an 8 week induction during which they will expand on their current knowledge, qualities and skills enabling them to understand what a peer mentor is and what their role and responsibilities will be. Once completed the children will use these skills within their classes to be the best possible role model. They will help support new children to settle in and be a 'go to' student for all children who may need support, advice, help to talk to an adult or just a friendly, inclusive face.