Here is some of the lovely feedback we have had from families:
- "As a new parent to the school, it was great to find out what is expected of us in regards to Reading and how to fill in the reading diary." - Reception parent.
- “It was eye opening to see just how important the understanding of pattern is for the children. I always thought getting my child to count over 20 was the main thing” – Reception parent.
“It was lovely to be able to spend time in the classroom with my child. She was so excited to show me around and do activities in her classroom!” – Reception parent
- “Always enjoy coming to parent Cafés and seeing all that the children have been learning about. Allows time to spend with my daughter talking about what she has learned and seeing how she is progressing.” – Year 1 parent
- “We love coming to the parent Cafés, it’s good to see what the children have been doing at school and spending time with them.” – Year 1 parent
- “Enjoyed my time with my child. Always well-presented and set out. Thank you.” – Year 3 parent
- “Glad online safety is being addressed.” – Year 3 parent
- “Lovely watching X being creative with his friends at school.” – Year 3 parent
- “Good fun. Haven’t painted for ages!” – Year 3 parent
- “Very nice to spend time in school together. Lovely activity, well organized.” – Year 3 parent
- “Really enjoyed the Café, great way to learn with the children.” – Year 4 parent
- “Was fun to do experiments with X. Good and easy to do at home. More Science Cafés please.” – Year 4 parent
- “Really enjoyed sharing the time learning what my son is doing in the classroom. Was fun but also very informative. Thank you.” – Year 4 parent
- “Fantastic subject matter! Always great to come into the school and spend time with the children, and meet the staff.” – Year 4 parent
- “Very good thing to do with all the kids. Good work!” – Year 5 parent