Year 3 visited the Guildhall to take part in history workshops. We learnt about the Iceni tribe reaction to the Roman invasion, freeze framed the events and we met Boudica! They put themselves in the role of an Iceni tribe member and decided whether to follow Roman commands or join Boudica's army.
Visitor from Norfolk Rivers Trust - Eels
On Tuesday and Wednesday, Year 3 welcomed Ursula Juta from the Norfolk Rivers Trust, for a workshop all about eels! This linked back to our rivers theme from Spring term. Year 3 learnt about the European Eel life cycle, eel migration from the Sargasso Sea to the Little Ouse river and the part eels play in the river food chain.
Science: Dissecting a tulip to identify the parts of flowers
Year 3 talent show auditions!
Year 3 welcomed Ben Earle from Gressenhall museum, for a workshop called 'Wild Norfolk.' They looked at how Norfolk has changed since the Palaeolithic, from a wild landscape, to a farmed one, using maps and museum objects.
Science: BioBlitz
PE: Athletics
English: Suspense tale This half term our model text is a suspense story called 'The Manor House'.
Plants: Water transport experiment and exploring the conditions plants need to grow
Self portraits
Painting Roman shields and creating a 'wanted' poster for the Roman army
History: Year 3 had an exciting Roman themed day, visiting Colchester Castle, the site of Boudica's rebellion! We explored how Colchester changed from an Iron Age settlement to a prosperous Roman town. We worked as a team to construct a model of an Iron Age roundhouse and a Roman villa. Year 3 journeyed back 2000 years and descended into the Roman vaults under the Castle.
Art: We read Hansel and Gretel and imagined the gingerbread house. We thought about the shape of sweets and sketched lollies, candy, fizzy and chewy sweets!
Values day: We learnt to show respect to ourselves, each other and the environment. We looked at the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and discussed how to treat others as we would like to be treated.
Year 3 performed on stage at the Norfolk County Music Festival at the King's Centre in Norwich. Year 3 performed two songs- 'Candy Man' and 'Sing.' The judges congratulated them on their musicality, harmonies and stage presence. Well done Year 3 for your confidence performing in front of a large audience and a huge thank you to Mrs Carruthers for preparing the Year 3 choir amazingly well and conducting.
World book day
Art- line drawing
Parent cafe
Year 3 had their parent cafe, focusing on online safety. Mr Fox went through our online safety rules - how we can stay safe online and when gaming. We focused on 'reliability,' 'privacy and security' and 'online reputation.' We were challenged to work out if images were real, or had been made by AI and thought about whether we can trust everything we see online. Finally, we learnt about the PEGI age rating for video games Minecraft, Roblox, Fortnite, Among Us and social media platforms.
Year 3 took part in the workshop 'Bringing books to life' led by the company 'West End in Schools'. Children worked in groups and with their partners created a piece of dance linked to the book called 'The butterfly lion' written by Michael Morpurgo.
Values Day: Developing courage to try new things and thinking about love
Art- collage of the Thetford river bridge
In art, we are creating a collage of the Thetford river bridge. We painted the background of our Thetford river bridge collage.
As part of our 'Movement' theme, we went on a local walk to see the confluence of the river Thet and the Little Ouse. We drew some field sketches and thought about the journey of a river from source to mouth. We saw the effects of flooding in Butten Island and looked for signs of erosion and deposition along the river bank.
Hadid class assembly- all about our aspirations and Zaha Hadid's career as an architect
English- Portal Story
This half term our model text is a portal story called 'The Garden'. We will be learning the structure / plotline of a portal story and how to write descriptive settings. In our hook lesson we uncovered a mystery object (a key, shell or pebble) and used our imagination to think of where it would take us. We described the setting of that portal using our senses, adjectives and similes.
Computing- Programming sprites and ordering commands on Scratch
UV light enquiry: Which material is best at blocking UV light?
RE- Panoramic: What different faiths and religions have developed all over the world?
Art- sketching the Thetford river bridge
Science - Physics / Light
In our first Science lesson we were investigating the light and recogising that we need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light.
French - Mon corps (My body)
Geography - locating rivers and exploring why people settle near rivers.
Values Day: Aspiration- Exploring Zaha Hadid's and William Kamkwamba's aspirations
Autumn term 2023
D&T: Making bread and cooking bread on a fire in Forest School
Drawing with charcoal
Visit to St Cuthbert's church to help answer our RE question: 'How do Christians celebrate advent and Christmas?'
Lantern making
We have been learning a set of instructions during English, 'How to trap a troll'. Take a look at our re-telling, with actions and expression!
The Year 3 children came back to school on Tuesday to find that a mysterious creature had left sandy footprints through our classrooms and had left a mess! Everybody was shocked to find the huge footprints and various objects that the creature had left behind. Even our attendance trophy, books and plant pot was knocked down!
We thought about who the creature could be by thinking 'what do we know from the evidence left behind' and what we can deduce from this. We made predictions about where the creature had come from, what it could have been and where it might be now. We think that a troll had been causing mischief in our classrooms. We discovered our next Talk 4 Writing unit would be to write instructions on how to trap a troll.
Making clay Christmas decorations
Stone Age cooking experience
Animation with the Stop Motion Studio app
Art: Exploring charcoal
In Science we were exploring magnets. We found out that the magnet has two poles, a north pole and a south pole. They are called the north and south poles because if a bar magnet is able to rotate, the north pole will always point north and the south pole will always point south. We also explored what happens when magnets are put together. Will they attract or repel?
Science: Friction fair test- How does the ramp material affect how far the car will travel?
Glockenspiels- 'Mary had a baby' song
Football skills
Forest School- Autumn 2
Art- block printing Christmas cards
Tennis Skills
Year 3 visited Norwich Castle for an action packed day learning about 'The Mystery of Prehistory!' We went back in time to the Mesolithic where we acted out the daily tasks of hunting, gathering and cooking on a fire. We went forward in time to the Bronze Age where we learnt about bronze being made of copper and tin. We handled smelted Bronze Age tools and the different metal ores. We went forward in time again to the Iron Age, where we discovered the people had begun to farm and weave textiles. We came back to modern life where we had a go at archeology, and investigated Neolithic stone tools.
Norwich Castle- Mystery of Prehistory
We have been learning a defeating the monster story during English, 'Jack and the beanstalk'. Take a look at our re-telling, with actions and expression!
Forest School - Being Stone Age people, playing survival, sorting the story stones into what would be Stone Age objects, using charcoal to draw Stone Age pictures, and making bow and arrows with wool and sticks.
Year 3 learning so far- tennis skills, forest school, playing the glockenspiel
High Lodge trip
We started our new educational year with a whole Drake School trip to Thetford High Lodge. Children had a great time meeting their friends and teachers after Summer holidays and sharing their experiences. They had an opportunity exploring the forest trails, trying out archery, Stone age oil pastel drawings and playing. We all had such a great day.
Visiting the Pop Up Art Gallery
The year 3 classes had a fantastic time at our pop up art gallery in town! They were able to see their art work on display and to participate in creating a willow rubbish sculpture with the artists in residence. The children created an eel and a fish made out of a structure of willow with plastic rubbish inside. Through their art, the children raised awareness of the amount of plastic in the river Thet and Little Ouse and how we can all play a part in reducing the amount of plastic that gets into our rivers and oceans.
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