Spring Photography Competition
Well done to all the entrants to our Spring Photography Competition. We loved looking through your photos and seeing all the things you have been up to during Lockdown.
We are delighted to announce our winners are as follows. KS1 and EYFS winner: Amelia Lacey (YrR)
The judges really enjoyed Amelia’s images of the snow, especially the details she captured of snow on the bushes. Well done Amelia. KS1 and EYFS runner up: Oliver Marsh (Yr1)
This image really made us smile and summed up Lockdown for us – rainbows and togetherness. Great choice of an object to photograph. KS2 winner: Lyla Pitchford (Y5)
The judges really enjoyed the colours and light in Lyla’s image as well as the carefully composed angle. Well done Lyla! KS2 runner up: Paris Flowers (Y6)
We loved Paris’s original contribution, particularly the rainbow mouth. This picture made us think of the different moods of lockdown. Parent’s winner: Jo Hutt (parent of Summer and George)
The judges loved the quiet, stillness of this photo as well as the reflections on the water. Parent’s runner up: Daiva Virbickiene (parent of Oscar)
This photo made the judges smile – and feel a bit hungry!
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