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Spring 2021

A message from the Pupil's Art Council.MOV

Still image for this video

The Pupil’s Art Council would like to announce the launch of our Spring Art and Photography Competition.

The theme for the competition is Spring.
The closing date is: 30th April 2021

You can enter up to 3 pieces of artwork.
Submit your entries to:
Title your email: Spring Art and Photography Competition
Please include the full name of the entrant in your email. Pupil entrants should also include their class name.

The competition is open to anyone in our School Community and is split into the follow groups:
KS1 – This is for school pupils in R, Y1, Y2
KS2 – This is for school pupils in Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6
Community – This is for anyone in our wider school community – staff, siblings, parents, Grandparents ….

The judges will pick winners for the follow categories:
* Best Art piece from each group (KS1, KS2 and Community)
It doesn’t matter what medium you choose to use, pencil, paint, sculpture, textiles, landart - just have a go! Take a photograph of your art piece to submit, but keep it safe as we‘ll be displaying the winner’s original piece in school.

* Best Photograph from each group (KS1, KS2 and Community)
Submit a photo that you have taken.

* The most original interpretation of Spring.
We’ll be looking for the most humorous, original or creative piece from across all categories and groups.

* The class with the highest quality entries.
A special award will go to the class that has the best entries. Who will it be?

You might be inspired by signs of Spring in your garden or local woodlands, the minibeasts, wildlife or farm animals you spot, or the colours of spring.
Or you might have an imaginative and original idea of your own about how you could interpret ‘Spring’.
If you are stuck for ideas, or would like some advice and techniques to try, here are some videos and pictures:

You can get some great tips on taking great photos here:

A tutorial on how to make a saltdough flower:

A fun tutorial on making a "Dandelion Squish Drawing" with dandelions, pen and crayons.

Watch a lesson on how to make a Takashi Murakmi style flower sculpture from old cardboard boxes and paint.

Find out how to do some leaf rubbings with wax crayon and watercolours:

A lesson about making a Springtime picture inspired by Vincent van Gogh and Charley Harper:

A tutorial on making a spring collage inspired by Henri Rousseau and Johanna Lerwick

This online art lesson teaches you how to make a flower inspired by artist Georgia O'Keeffe using felt tip pens.

Watch a flower mandala being made:

How to make a picture inspired by Andy Warhol’s flowers:

The results
The judges have been hard at work, and the results are in!


R / KS1 Art
Runner ups:
Fausta, Merian class
Ruby, Merian class

3rd – George, Attenborough class
The Arts Council loved your colourful picture. They especially liked how you used feathers to create your ducks.

2nd – Amelija, Earhart class
The Arts Council loved all the textures you used to create your picture, especially your blossom tree.

1st - Isla, Earhart class
The Arts Council loved how original your art work was with so many different things to look at. They thought you must have worked very hard.

LKS2 Art
Runner ups:
Eloise, Hadid Class
Isabeau, Hadid Class
Betsy, Zheng Class
Fabian, Zheng Class

3rd: Victoria, Hadid Class
The Arts Council were very impressed with your sewing and particularly liked the Spring Flower detail.

2nd: Sathursana, Erikson Class
The Arts Council particularly loved the paintings of your blossom trees.

1st: Molly, Maaithai Class
The Arts Council were particularly impressed by the texture you created with your shading and your use of colour.

Runner ups:
* Danielle, Kahlo class
A well observed drawing of a butterfly and flower, that contains controlled line work with a pencil and the delicate use of colour to add further detail to the image. The only reason this image was not joint third, is due to the scale of the butterfly to the flower it is sitting on, I would invite the artist (next time) to observe the scale of the flower in relation to the size of the flower (especially the thickness of the stem). A well-planned composition and a charming image that I can imagine being printed onto cards or postcards.

* Paris, Kahlo class
A charming painted artwork, that celebrates through art, the joys of nature. Visually describing a tranquil scene of sitting under a tree, admiring the birds and nourishing sun.

* Emily, Tereshkova
William Morris appears to have influenced this piece of artwork and has been well executed with its reference to this inspiration. A good mixture of mark making in this image and a nice variety of line thickness to add depth to the pattern.

3rd - Holly, Curie Class
The vibrant yellow daffodils appear to be moving in this drawing. The butterfly appears to have successfully managed a careful landing onto the flowers. The markings in this drawing have been sympathetically placed onto the paper to create movement and structure in the composition. Blades of grass have been drawn by using a variety of different greens and this adds depth to the drawing. The delicate details of the daffodils have been well represented in this drawing by the use of fine line work. Commercially I can imagine this design being printed onto cards and postcards, that could be sold in gift shops and other retail outlets. 

2nd: Melissa, King class
An exceptionally delicate and well planned drawing. The softness and precious nature of butterflies and flowers have been beautifully portrayed in this drawing, by the use of controlled, fine line pencil marks. The choice of medium to create this artwork works harmoniously with the subject matter. The fine detail in this artwork would look stunning transferred onto china. I can imagine a set of elegant white china with this design adorning the ceramics.


1st: Rosie-Mae, Kahlo class
Bursting with colour and the paint has been sympathetically placed onto the paper in a controlled and direct manner. Colour has been used in a beautiful way to add curvature and additional texture to bring the subject matter to life. The berries look juicy and plump and am surprised the stunningly bright bird hasn’t taken a cheeky bite yet! The composition is well thought out and the foliage frames the bird well. Wonderful artwork and in a commercial setting, would make an ideal basis for a tattoo artist to use when discussing designs with a customer.  Would also work well as a repetitive print onto textiles and make a beautiful duvet set.

Community Art
Runner ups –
Sophie Williams
Mrs Benton

3rd – Mr Williams and Sophie
The Arts council loved your bright, colourful and happy flowers and how you made them to stand in wellies. They reminded us of the artist,
Takashi Murakami.

2nd – Mr Fox
The Arts Council really loved your tulips. We liked the sketchy details and the perspective created by the different sized.

1st – Mrs Hornby
The Arts council really loved your daffodils. We really liked the way you showed so much detail and texture with your colours.

Community Photography
1st place: Miss Earle
 I love the light in this image, and the contrast between the cool colours of the background and the warm light in the foreground. I really felt I was sitting at that table!

2nd place: Chris France -  The colours are so vibrant, and I love that the photographer has got down low so the tulips are towering over us.

3rd place: Mrs Goff I love all the contrasting shapes and tones in this image, and how it's been cropped - I'm intrigued to know more!

R / KS1 photography:

3rd place: Oliver, Grandin Class
 This image really made me laugh - I thought the tree was poking its tongue out at me! Well done for spotting that.

2nd place: Rachel, Darling class
 What a great idea to get down so low to take the picture. I love how the daisy is in perfect focus, but everything else is blurred.

1st place: Amelia, Darling
 What a lovely, dramatic photograph - I loved how you photographed towards the sun, which created such a contrast between dark and light. 

KS2 Photography
Runners up:
Lyla, Curie Class
Lily, Hadid Class
Adam, Kahlo Class
Meadow, Maaithai Class
Liyana, Zheng Class

Joint 3rd place: Henry, Hadid
 Wow, well done for capturing this image - the bird is framed so beautifully against the blue sky.

Andrew, King.
I love the warm colours in this image and the fact that we're down at the cat's level. Typical that your cat wouldn't look at the camera too!

2nd place
Maisie, King class
The daffodils in the jug. What a lovely, calm image - I love the muted colours and the strong composition of this image.

1st place: Molly, Maaithai
 I love the shaft of sunlight in this image, and the way the background is left out of focus. So beautiful and serene.
