Urgent telephone meeting/update with the Headteacher 17.3.20
As an NHS frontline employee I have already experienced the anxiety of families regarding the Coronavirus pandemic additionally the fear and hysteria in the supermarkets. However I have just ended a call with Mrs Rosen and am reassured by the preparations and communication between Drake, neighbouring schools and Norfolk County Council. 🙂
Mrs Rosen and the school's senior leaders have begun devising home learning packs (for the potential eventuality of school closures), encouraging teachers to devise exercises and tasks which demonstrate the ethos of the school; encouraging outdoor learning, healthy choices in addition to signposting of online resources which still support a child's learning of core subjects.
The school has taken seriously all Government advice and continues, day-by-day, sometimes hour-by-hour, to update on current guidance from Norfolk County Council. All vulnerable staff members have been sent home and/or have had discussions with the head regarding advice to remain at home. Staff that remain at school have demonstrated an amazing spirit of support, covering all necessary classes, in addition to increasing cleaning of communal surfaces throughout the day. Cohort numbers across Little Pirates have been shuffled to ensure the appropriate staff to children ratios and possible strategies prepared to ensure families continue to receive childcare, where working from home is not possible.
Please keep updated via Parent Hub and/or the school website for updates. It is vital the spreading of the virus is minimised, hence the cancelling of meetings (including today's Full Governing Board meeting), gatherings, increasing hand washing and identifying symptoms requiring household isolation.
On behalf of the Governors at Drake Primary & Little Pirates I would like to thank you all for your cooperation and urge you all to remain updated with current Government policy. Thank you to our hardworking faculty across the entire setting, working hard to ensure that children continue to receive a high quality provision amidst challenges and uncertainty.
The school and I will, no doubt keep in touch throughout the crisis. In the meantime I wish our entire Drake community well.
Carly Brien
Chair of Governors