
Drake Primary School and Little Pirates Child Care

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Our Journey through Spring 1

The Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year)

The children enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year.  They learnt about the race of the animals and how this led each year being the year of one of the 12 animals.  This year is the year of the snake and the children found out that they were born in either the year of the pig or the year of the rat.  Our home corners became restaurants serving well known Chinese dishes, the children tried using chop sticks to move rice from one bowl to another and they wrote numerals in Mandarin. 

School of Noise

On Friday 13th January, Oliver from School of Noise delivered a fun and engaging workshop about sound.    The children learnt about the science of sound, played on unusual instruments such as a theremin, conducted an  orchestra of fruit and vegetables, used vibration to  create patterns in sand using  the  Chladni plates and watched how a tuning fork vibrates.

T4W - Mrs Gumpy’s Outing

To start our new text, the children received a message in a bottle from Mr Gumpy.  Mr Gumpy needed help to find his boat and the children were excited to go on a boat hunt.  The children then wrote messages back to him, made a large boat n Forest School and used junk modelling to build boats for the teddies.

T4W Hook Lesson


To start this term, we explored aspirations with an incredible day of learning and creativity. One child beautifully described it as “our dreams” before I could – and wow, their aspirations were truly inspiring! From vets and firefighters to astronauts, comedians, and teachers, the children’s dreams showcased their limitless potential.


To celebrate these aspirations, we united as a whole Reception cohort to create a beautiful Aspiration Tree (a big thank you to Miss McGuire for her brilliant creativity!). Each child and grown-up decorated a leaf with their aspirations, and we hung them on the tree.


Now displayed in our corridor, the Aspiration Tree continues to grow.

Our Journey through Autumn 2

This half term has started with a bang!  The children have been demonstrating our focus value of kindness and learning what it means to be collaborative.

Reading for Pleasure:

Reading for pleasure is important for us all, a fundamental building block of lifelong learning. The earlier we start, the better! That’s why in Reception we make time for this every day; it is a permanent feature of provision above and beyond our focus book for the half-term or listening to our readers 1:1. Indeed, children learning to read for pleasure means that they get excited for, and take more from, the structured reading that forms part of our core curriculum. 

When Shapes and Art Join Forces!

This week, the children have been diving deeper into their learning about shapes - and what a creative journey it’s been! Shapes are everywhere, and the children discovered just how amazing they can be when used to make art. After enjoying creating with circles, we explored what other shapes could inspire our artwork. With Christmas just around the corner, we couldn’t resist giving it a festive twist! The children enhanced their fine motor skills by cutting out shapes and transforming them into Christmas-themed creations like snowmen, holly, angels, and Christmas trees. These beautiful masterpieces now brighten up our maths working wall. In provision, the children also used pins, playdough, and other materials to craft shapes while confidently discussing properties like sides, vertices, and the concept of 2D shapes. What incredible superstars they are!


Our children have embarked on an exciting new maths topic—shapes! They have been exploring a variety of shapes and discovering their unique properties.

So far, the focus has been on circles and triangles. Inspired by the artist Fiona Rae, the children created vibrant artwork using only circles. They explored the classroom for circular objects they could print with, trace, or draw around and were beautifully documented in their floor book, alongside discussions about the key properties of circles.

The learning didn’t stop there! The children then discovered that triangles have three vertices and three sides. They have now begun an imaginative project: crafting fish using triangles and bubbles using circles.

We can’t wait to see what shape will take the spotlight next—stay tuned!

Maths - Patterns!

This half-term has started off wonderfully in maths, with the children diving into the world of patterns! They began by exploring ABAB patterns, learning how to continue and copy patterns, as well as creating their own independently. Now, they’re moving on to the exciting challenge of ABC patterns. Watch this space to see the fantastic patterns they come up with!

Forest School

The children have continued to enjoy their time outside in our Forest School area. They have talked about the change in the weather, noticing that it is getting colder and the ground is getting harder.  When listening to the birds, some of the children asked how the birds will get their food over the winter.  We decided to make some bird feeders to help the birds.

As the freezing weather suddenly hit, the children explored the ice which had formed in the area. They were surprised to see that the bird seed was frozen in the tuff spot!



Our reception children went on a thoughtful journey this week in learning about remembrance day.


The children explored the significance of this time through videos and stories sparking meaningful discussions about the importance of remembering those who served in the wars. It was truly touching to see just how much some children already knew and the sensitivity with which they approached this learning. 


We learned about the tradition of wearing poppies as symbols of remembrance. We watched a CBeebies video that introduced the children to the poppy’s story in a gentle, age-appropriate way. The children then put their creative sides into making their own poppies using recycled plastic bottles. These handmade poppies now stand proudly in Sophia’s Garden, part of the beautiful poppy display here that the whole school has contributed to!



To start off our T4W unit, the children received a letter from the Old Man and Old Women explaining that they needed help to find their Gingerbread Man as he had escaped.  He had been seen running from our cookery room with his friends! 

CCTV Footage

Still image for this video

Crime Scene Photos!

Our Journey through Autumn 1


In Maths, the children have started to investigate numbers and what they represent. They have counted objects, written numbers and started to explore 1 more and 1 less than. 

The children have also been learning about the Part, Part, Whole model; a pictorial representation that shows the relationship between a whole and its parts. We even managed to find a way of linking their exploring of this model to our English focus: The Little Red Hen! We used birds nests and numbered eggs for the children to create their own models and they loved it!

Investigating numbers - 1 more and 1 less

Part Part Whole Models


This half terms English started with excitement! Flour was left by the Little Red Hen with a latter asking for help. The children spent the morning hunting for more clues, thinking about where the hen came from and drawing maps to find the hen.

We have been learning the story 'The Little Red Hen'.  We have learnt new words, explored how characters feel and retold the whole story!  We sieved, mixed and kneaded when we made our own bread just like The Little Red Hen. We have also used the structure of the story to create our own versions. 

Click on the links below to see the of  the children retelling the story. 

The Little Red Hen Hook

Baking Bread


The children have worked incredibly hard on learning their story: The Little Red Hen, this half-term. In this story, the Little Red Hen makes her very own bread and we wanted to do the same! All children contributed to making some delicious bread! We practised our measuring, mixing, kneading and, most importantly of all, tasting! We are definitely spying some little bakers in Reception!

Forest Schools

In Forest Schools, the children have been exploring their surroundings, looking for signs of Autumn, creating dens, climbing trees, making mud cakes and working together collaboratively. One session involved the story Stick Man and the children created their own stick people. 

Crinkle Crag

The children enjoyed a session on the Crinkle Crag.  They had to be brave and show courage when climbing, balancing and travelling across this piece of equipment.  Lot's of problem solving skills were used when children had to work out a way down from the Crinkle Crag. 

Exploring, climbing, signs of Autumn and mud cakes!


Art has been a fabulous, creative time for the children so far!

First, we learned how to make different colours by mixing certain colours together. We discovered that by mixing the colours yellow and blue together, you can make green, just as one example of the many we found and made! 

The following week, we explored painting pictures with string! This was a fantastically messy time which resulted in some fabulous paintings!

We have also used water colours to create a background.  We found the the paints blended together well and we needed to use more if we wanted a brighter colour. 

Our Artist focus for this half term is Giuseppe Arcimboldo. We looked at the different foods which he used for creating portraits, talked about how they made us feel and then created our own portraits in the style Arcimboldo. 


Our First Week at Drake

The children have settled well during their first week at School. They have explored their new environment, made crowns, drawn their portraits, mixed colours using the paints and most importantly started to form friendships.  What a great start to a their first year at Drake! 
