
Drake Primary School and Little Pirates Child Care

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Bett 2022

Mr Fox and Mrs Woolacott attended Bett 2022. They learned about all the new kinds of software that are available to help schools with their teaching and learning. As a result, Mrs Woolacott plans to use National Online Safety (NOS) to support staff and parents in keeping children safe online. Mr Fox took away many ideas for the incoming Technology Council, as well as some potential new programs to support coding at Drake. 

Bett 2021

Steve Williams, our Computing subject leader, recently attended the technology conference Bett at the Excel Centre in London. There were workshops on using iPads to inspire creativity in our pupils; improving pupils' coding in Scratch; new features on Microsoft's MakeCode website for Micro:bits; a keynote speech by world renowned author Pie Corbett  and a global launch of new features of Google Classroom. It was a jam-packed day!
