
Drake Primary School and Little Pirates Child Care

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Eco Council

Our mission is: To help the world because we want everyone and everything to be able to live in an environment which is healthy.

Trip to Howards Plant Nurseries

Mia Witham visited on Thursday and ran a planting session with the Eco Council. We added plants into the rainwater planter in the red playground- the plants will be watered with runoff from the roof. They planted: elephant’s ear, periwinkle, bistort, masterwort, sneezeweed, bergamot and flag irises.

Eco Council joined with the council to take part in the 'Great British Spring Clean' project. They completed a litter pick in Frederick's Wood and Fairfields play area. Thank you Eco Council for making a difference to the environment and helping to protect local wildlife.

Litter picking in the school grounds

Eco Council Assembly- Recycling

Eco Council worked with Gardening Club to create a Norfolk Show wheelbarrow garden

Preparing our stall for the summer festival

Alisdair Naulls, from the Rivers Trust, led a plastic pollution workshop and a litter pick. We analysed what materials our litter is made from and how it might get into rivers and oceans. We learnt about how micro plastics are harmful to wildlife, and how we need to think about our use of plastics carefully.

Planning a wheelbarrow garden

Eco Council 2023

Well done Eco Councillors for achieving the Eco Schools Green Flag Award!

We researched what animals live in our local river, the river Thet and created pictures of them with oil pastel and water colour.

Watering the willow saplings in Sophia's garden

Allotment jobs: weeding, planting garlic, planting out chitted potatoes and nasturtium seedlings, and harvesting peas.

Testing water from the rain barrels, pond, tap and filtered water

RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch

Eco Council Assembly: Reducing Food Waste

Weaving willow stars

Planting Trees

The Woodland Trust gifted us some hedge saplings. We planted 6 crab apple, 6 dogwood , 6 hawthorn, 6 hazel and 6 dog rose saplings along the perimeter of the school field. 

Eco Council Assembly: COP26

Planting herbs, strawberries and peas

Harvesting Potatoes and Carrots

Last year, we achieved our Bronze and Silver Eco Schools Award. Now, we are working towards our Green Flag Award!

Meet our Eco-Councillors

Year 1 
I would like to plant trees and hang bird feeders up. 

I play in my garden and I look after the flowers and the plants. I would like to grow carrots and vegetables. 


I like plants and flowers.I want to look after the environment. I want to plant some trees.
Year 2 
I want to be on Eco Council because I love digging and planting. I want to build bug houses, bird houses and look after the environment. 

I want to help save nature and save the world. I collected apple seeds and I want to grow them. I think we should plant seeds and grow more vegetables. 


Year 3 

I want to take care of the world and make the world a better place. I recycle at home and pick rubbish up at school. We should plant more trees and flowers, use less paper and turn off the lights and taps when we’re not using them.


I would like to help nature. I care very much for the wildlife and keeping their habitats safe. I have done litter picks in my free time and I save water for my mud kitchen. I also leave water out and food for our family of hedgehogs that live in our garden. We should: collect rainwater, compost, make hedgehog friendly areas, do a litter pick to stop plastic harming our wildlife and our planet.  


Year 4 

I want to help the environment and I am confident I can make a difference. I am caring and respectful to the environment. I recycle at home and we plant flowers to take care of nature. We can plant more gardens around our school, we should grow our own vegetables and use our rain barrels to water the plants.


I care about nature and helping the environment. I water plants, help animals, and grow seeds.

Year 5 

I have a great interest in the environment. My caring personality and friendly outlook make me great on Eco Council. I always use the correct recycle bins at home and I help my Dad take things such as clothes and glass to the large bins in town. We should plant more trees, seeds and flowers. We should encourage people to use less plastic and look at the plastic in packed lunches.


I love nature and do lots to help nature. Taking care of the environment is important. I do litter picking and I have made a bug house. I turn off lights, shop second hand, recycle and plants seeds. We should have recycle bins in all classrooms.

Year 6 

I want to help the environment. I am caring, helpful and confident. I recycle, turn off the lights and plants seeds. We should be respectful of the environment. We should have a recycle bin in each class, so we do not discard so much plastic in the school.


I can come up with different ways to make things environmentally friendly and I am passionate for an eco-friendly school. I am good at listening and teamwork. I am part of a litter pick group, I encouraged my family to use bamboo toothbrushes, and metal straws. I use soap, body wash and shampoo bars instead of plastic bottles and make sure my garden has wildlife. I think we should have bars of soap in the bathrooms, have a special wildlife garden, with things like buddleia and lavender, and use less plastic packaging in packed lunches.


Eco Council Applications

Thank you to all the applicants for Eco Council. We received 42 excellent applications from across the school! The children had some excellent ideas about how to help the environment:



  • Keep yoghurt pots for plant pots.
  • Each class and lunch hall should have a recycling bin.
  • Use less paper and plastic.
  • Shop second hand.
  • Compost bins to reduce waste help our environment.
  • Think about what we are putting in the bin- can it be re-used?
  • Use recycled plastic and make non-recyclable plastics into other things.
  • Recycle every plastic bottle.
  • Use bamboo toothbrushes and metal straws.
  • Use soap body wash and shampoo bars, instead of plastic bottles.
  • Use re-useable plastic tubs in our lunches. 
  • Less plastic wrapping in school packed lunches.  
  • Use a reusable plastic bag when you go shopping.



  • Pick up litter from the school and wash my hands afterwards.
  • Pick up litter from the woods.
  • Pick up junk from the beach to look after the sea animals.



  • Plant more fruit and vegetables in the allotment.
  • Plant seeds, trees and flowers to increase biodiversity.
  • Build bug houses to encourage nature into our school.  
  • Plant buddleia and lavender in Sophia’s garden.
  • Hedgehog friendly areas.
  • Milk bottle bird feeders.



  • Use the water from the rain barrels to water the plants.
  • Turn off the taps when we're not using them. 



  • Turn off the lights when we’re not using them.
  • Save electivity when we can.
  • Solar lighting.
  • Ride a bike or walk instead of using the car.
  • Use day light to light my room.
  • Meat free Mondays.
  • Get a wind turbine.
  • Find out about the solar panels on the roof.
  • Turn off the whiteboard at night.


Global citizenship

  • Have environmental awareness days.
  • Educate everyone about how to recycle and save electricity.
  • Try and eat all of our school lunch.

