
Drake Primary School and Little Pirates Child Care

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Reception New Intake

Welcome to our new children and families


Whether you are looking for information about starting school, or if you have had confirmation of your place at Drake, this is the place to get more information.


Starting school is a huge milestone and it matters to our children and families that children are given the best start in this transition. We will support you in your decision making and also once you have found out where your child will be attending. 


You should find everything you need to know here.


Getting to know you


We are very much looking forward to getting to know all of the new children and families joining us. We are currently in communication with pre-school settings, nurseries and childminders to make arrangements to visit any settings that are attended by children joining us to support a smooth transition into school.


On 6th June, we held an information session.  Families had the opportunity to meet school staff, find out a bit more about Reception at Drake, look around the school, sample school meals and spend some time in their child's classroom with the class teacher.  During this session, you were provided with a small pack of documents for you to complete and return to school. This will help us to gather information and to ensure that our school systems are up to date in time for when your child starts with us. In addition, we will be able to arrange for a Tapestry account which is our online learning and observation platform, this will help use to send you updates and information and to start the partnership between school and families.

If you were unable to attend the information evening, please look through the presentation below: 


New Intake Presentations

Website links


Our website provides lots of information related to our school, our mission, vision and aims as well as our curriculum and Year Group pages where you can find out what different year groups have been learning about. We also have a video centre which you are welcome to view.


Choosing a school for your child is an important decision. Below are some links to just a few relevant pages to support you. 

Supporting you and your child


We have dedicated staff who will support you in ensuring that your child's needs are met. You can find out more about them here.
