At Drake Primary and Little Pirates Child Care we believe that pupils do best at school when they are happy, have lots of good friendships and rewarding relationships with the adults around them. The Pastoral Team reviews the provision for pupils behaviour and attitudes, including attendance, as well as their personal development and well-being.
This team comprises;
Pastoral Team Lead / DSL/ Designated Teacher for Looked After Children/ SENDCO - Aimee Theobald
Lead Behaviour Professional/DSL/Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) Lead- Sam Chapman
Special Resource Base Lead - Georgia Jones
Parent Support Advisor/Attendance/DSL - Deirdre Kane
SENDco/DSL- Little Pirates - Susan Sayer
The team meet weekly to review all aspects of pastoral life at Drake and Little Pirates, policy, practice and play.
Roles of the Team:
Designated Safeguarding Leads: We are responsible for looking after the safety of the children across the setting. We will get alerts from members of staff in relation to their safety and follow guidance and procedures to ensure that the children are safe and cared for.
All staff know they are to be given acknowledgement that their concern has been passed on and acted on.
We use CADS (Children's Advice and Duty Service) when we need extra support to help a child or family.
Designated Teacher for Looked After Children: This is the staff member who working alongside the child's class teacher is responsible for children who are in care or have previously been in care. They are responsible for the well being and safety of the child as well as meeting termly with other professionals around how the child is progressing academically, socially and personally. Monies that the school receives for these children is spent on their needs and targets that are set during meetings with social workers, foster carers and sometimes parents.
SENDCO: These are the lead staff around Special Educational Needs for Drake Primary School and Little Pirates. For all information regarding their role look at their section on the website.
Lead Behaviour Professional: This member of staff is responsible for ensuring staff understand the behaviour policy and the behaviour pathway. They ensure classes are using the rewards and consequences within the pathway to promote a positive attitude to learning. They also support in class with children who are needing any extra help to follow that pathway successfully. They also support the class teacher with Pastoral Support Plans, working with the family to set targets to help improve classroom behaviours.
ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant): ELSA is a programme to support children within the setting who have a range of emotional needs. Teachers refer children through the SENDCo to take part in the programme. It lasts from 6 to 10 weeks and takes about one hour a week. Across the school we have 5 trained ELSA staff, they also have termly supervision sessions with an educational psychologist to keep their training up to date and help support them with any challenges they are undertaking.
Autism SRB Lead: At Drake we are really fortunate to be one of Norfolk's Specialist Resource Bases for children with a profile of autism. Take a look at the SRB page to find out more information.
The SRB Lead also works alongside the SENDCo to help support teachers and families with children across the setting.
PSA (Parent Support Advisor): Our Parent Support Officer has a page for more information about the different ways she works with parents and families to support children throughout the school. She also has a key part of the Pastoral Team as our Attendance officer. Weekly she will analyse attendance of children in school and communicate with families to help resolve any issues around attendance.