Reflectivity-reflexivity is the capability of reflecting on experience – making comparisons with similar and dissimilar experiences – to infer or draw conclusions. Reflectivity – reflexivity is an active and dynamic process. By reflecting backwards, patterns of response are located and can be reinforced. The more we reflect, the more likely we are to be able to and want to. Thus reflection itself becomes reflexive. As we reflect on experience we begin to open the possibility of acting on experience and thus learn. Reflexivity is the consequence of reflectivity practised, or distributed, overtime. A teacher develops this capability in her children by reflective questioning, by review, by distributed rehearsal, by educative feedback.
As part of our project with educationalist Shirley Clarke the staff and pupils are developing a group of special characters that display the learning powers (dispositions and attitudes). The characters may vary depending on the age and stage of the children, their level of understanding and our curriculum.