Autumn 1
Our Talk for Writing text for this half term is ‘The Enormous Turnip’. The children enjoyed taking part in our ‘hook’ activity where they found a mysterious container in our outdoor area. Inside was something buried in soil with a rope attached. Despite the efforts of the Year 1 adults, and a lot of encouragement from the children, we were unable to pull the mystery item from the container. The children then challenged themselves to make predictions about what could be buried.
This half term so far in maths we have been learning about numbers to 10. This includes place value of numbers to 10, writing numbers in words and counting across 10 forwards and backwards. The children have worked fantastically hard on their independent challenges in provision and have used the IPads to take pictures of the fantastic maths learning they have been doing so far this term.
DT - Fruit and Vegetables
For our DT project this half term, we are going to be making vegetable soup. In our first session, we learnt about fruit and vegetables. We had a go at classifying fruit and vegetables and discussed the differences between the two. We had a fun time doing food tasting. The children held fantastic discussions using vocabulary to describe texture, smell and taste.
Values Day - Hope
Our first day back was Values Day. This half term our value is “ Hope”. We started off by discussing our hopes and then created some fantastic hope clouds by writing a sentence about our hopes and then decorating the clouds with tissue paper. We talked about how our class inspirational person shows hope. We also enjoyed acting out the Parable of the mustard seed in RE using props and the hopes for the tiny seed to grow into a large mustard bush.
High Lodge Trip- Wednesday 4th September 2024
On Wednesday 4th September, Year 1 enjoyed our whole school trip to High Lodge. We had a fun packed day with a wide range of activities including the Gruffalo Trail, Music Trail, Wild Play Park, stories and plant observations.