
Drake Primary School and Little Pirates Child Care

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We are currently at Capacity


School places during lock down.


Drake Primary School is now at capacity.


Please read below information from Norfolk County Council.


The children of critical workers and vulnerable children are eligible for a school place but you must contact your school to arrange this. Do not send your child to school until you are invited to do so.


Schools across Norfolk are facing increased pressure for places during the current lockdown, with many families requesting critical worker places.


Norfolk County Council is working with education leaders and other local authorities in the region to develop prioritisation criteria – so that children and families with the greatest need are able to access learning in school.


It is likely that in some schools this will mean both parents are expected to be critical workers, with priority given to those whose parents work in emergency life-saving services.

Although the national criteria states that only one parent needs to be a critical worker to be eligible for a place, in many schools that would mean nearly every child could still attend and schools simply cannot manage that at this time.


We would ask parents, carers and businesses to do all they can to support schools and the lockdown – it’s vital that staff in the NHS can access places for their children in the current situation and so they will be given priority.

All children who are not eligible to be in school will receive remote learning. Your school will share arrangements with you.

If you need any further support ring NCC customer services on: 0344 8008 020
