
Drake Primary School and Little Pirates Child Care

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Head's Summer letter


Dear Families,


It’s the end of another school year, and what a year it has been! Firstly, I want to thank all the families who sent emails expressing their thanks to teachers. It really meant a great deal to everyone. Of course it’s not been a usual end of year, many events have had to take place virtually, like sports day and the Big Sing. Other events, especially those for our year 6 leavers, sadly could not take place. As we plan for the coming year, we are all too aware that we must find a way to make sure school life builds on what we have learnt since reopening on June 1st. In this letter there will be links to other important information such as timetables and resources you may need to support transition back to school in September; goodbyes and thank yous to staff who leave this term and ways of keeping in touch through the holidays.


Term dates and arrangements

From September 2020 attendance at school is mandatory. Years 1 to 6 return to school on Monday 7th September full time. Classes will stay in their bubbles where ever possible and please note that we have an SRB so pupils who would usually transition to class for part of the day will continue to do so wherever possible. Timetables and entry points will be shared on the website. Additional risk assessments and mitigating actions will be shared on our school website. We will continue our practice of sharing pupil risk assessments with families in the coming year. New Intake reception classes have a separate timetable so please check your class pages on the website.

School Uniform

All children to be in correct uniform in September, please refer to the school brochure on our website and uniform list. PE kit and forest school kit are listed on the website. More about this will be shared on class pages at the beginning of term.

Risk Assessments

Throughout the pandemic Drake and Little Pirates have been open and shared our risk assessments on our website We will continue to do this over the summer holidays. Please note that we will respond to government guidance as it is issued, so risk assessments are subject to change. If there are any changes, we will alert you on  Parent Hub.


Sadly, we are saying goodbye to Mrs Albon, Mrs Hughes & Mrs Hullock who are retiring and Mrs Mace & Mrs Grigaytis who are off to new places. We are saying a temporary goodbye to Mrs Rudd & Mrs Bisset who start their maternity leave. We wish them all well and look forward to hearing about their adventures and seeing baby photos.


We have several new members of staff joining us. You may already have met Miss Earl, Miss Matthews, Miss Bell, Mrs Prince and Mrs Mulford. Transition has gone well for pupils who are both in school and working via Google Classroom. Teacher introduction videos are available here

Year 6 nominations
Congratulations to new head boy Charlie Middleditch and head girl Paris Flowers. The new Year 6 prefects will be Cailin Hall, Adam Timms, Tilly Daly, Harrison Ewing, Maisie Hawkins and Dharun Ranjithakumar.

School houses and groups

Next year we will be have elections for our School Council and Eco Council. New in the autumn will be our Peer Mentors. We will be extending the use of school house teams beyond sports to include a wider range of events and competitions throughout the school year.

Thank yous

The coronavirus pandemic necessitated a completely new approach to schooling at Drake and we must thank Thetford Academy for hosting our year 5 and 6 for the last month of term. Thank you to 4ward Sports; Neil Ward and Matt Reeve have worked solely at Drake Primary coaching pupils throughout this period. Thank you to all staff for their support and exceptional working during the Easter and half term holiday. Thank you to parents who have worked so hard on to support children with online learning and have now downloaded and started to use the new Pupil Asset parent app. Well done, you are all IT whizzes!


I wish all the children, families and staff a lovely summer holiday!


Louise Rosen

