Dear families,
Whilst these are extremely worrying times, Drake Primary School and Little Pirates Child Care remain open. We are as worried as you about the Corona Virus. Little Pirates will remain open whilst staff ratios can be maintained and please be assured we are working hard on this. We are in daily contact with Public Health England and are following their advice.
Please do all you can by following guidance regarding hand washing and social distancing.
Look after our school staff to ensure your child’s teachers and support staff remain well by:
-Using email to contact the office with any communication for admin and teachers. The glass will remain closed and parents are asked to use the drop box located in the office foyer for payment drop off.
-Parents will not be able to attend class assemblies and cafes
-Face to face parent meetings are cancelled. Communication will be rearranged via email.
-If you or any family-member are displaying symptoms please do not come onto the school site.
-With regards to cleaning products and hand-sanitiser, the school has been well stocked and we are taking care with the stock we currently have.
Thank you for your continuing support in this matter and look after yourselves and your family.
Louise Rosen