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Coronavirus (COVID-19): school admission appeals

Guidance from Department for Education 


Updated 14 April 2020


The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak will impact on the ability of admission authorities (that is, local authorities, academy trusts or school governing bodies, depending on the type of school) to carry out admission appeals in the usual way. This is because appeal panels must be held in person, which would break the current restriction on gatherings of more than 2 people. There may also be problems securing sufficient independent panel members and partial school openings and closures may impact on meeting certain appeal deadlines.

Parents must continue to have the right to appeal to any school which has refused their child a place. We will, therefore, be making regulatory changes that, subject to legislation, will come into force on 24 April 2020.

The new regulations will relax some of the current requirements set out in the School Admission Appeals Code 2012 and enable admission authorities to proceed with their admission appeals.



Admission Appeals has been updated 14 April 2020 

please see link below
