
Drake Primary School and Little Pirates Child Care

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Attendance and punctuality

    Wed 10 Mar 2021

    Dear families

    Thank you for preparing the children so well for their return to school, we have had a brilliant start to the week. Your children are a real credit to you all. The children have really enjoyed seeing their friends and getting back to life in school.

    We know it’s hard to get back into the school routines having spent so long at home, and the staff are doing an excellent job. Whilst our attendance and punctuality is still one of the highest in the country at the moment at over 98%, we do want to keep it at this outstanding level. It is evident from these attendance figures that our families really value their children’s learning by prioritising learning and wellbeing. In order to catch up with missed school and reduce the risk of transmission of the coronavirus Covid-19 in our school and community, we will ask you to continue to;

    · Arrive promptly at school in the morning. Gates will close at 8:55am

    · Ensure all medical appointments are booked outside of school hours

    · Plan for all holidays to take place during the school holidays

    Our website has been upgraded this week to include an improved video sharing facility. Playlists are now becoming available for curriculum leader videos and assemblies. In addition, we are working towards a paperless office The website is currently used to publish some forms and we are developing better digital solutions. We plan by the end of the year to have a more fluid system for both payments and forms.

    Thank you again for all your support, we love having the children back at school.

    Best wishes
    Mrs Rosen

  • The latest government guidance on returning to school

    Fri 05 Mar 2021
    Footwear - the field is still quite muddy so children will need a change of shoes. Please can children have their school shoes and PE footwear with them every day.

    Rapid lateral flow tests - teaching and non-teaching staff at school are continuing to take twice-weekly tests using a home test kit. Primary school pupils are not being asked to test at this time. If you’re a member of a household, childcare bubble or support bubble of staff or a pupil you can get a twice-weekly test, but testing of children and their families is not compulsory for the return to school.
    Please follow the link to find out more -
  • Gate and Forest School timetables from Monday 8th March

    Mon 01 Mar 2021

    Gates and times



    Year Group

    Start time

    Finish time

    Forest gate





    Forest gate





    Forest gate





    Frederick’s gate





    Frederick’s gate

    (single gate)




    Frederick’s gate





    Stag gate





    Stag gate







    Forest School with Ms Farish





















    Music lessons


    Instrumental lessons will be resuming from 15th March. The music teachers will be following strict Covid protocols from the Norfolk Music Hub and our own rigorous Risk Assessments. The bill for the lessons will be put onto the Pupil Asset Parent App for individual/group lessons in keyboard, violin, flute, clarinet, recorder and saxophone.  

  • Reopening school to all students on Monday 8th March

    Mon 01 Mar 2021 Louise Rosen

    Dear Families,


    I am sure that you are as excited about our world getting back to near normal as we are.

    In order to maintain a safe site, students will be using external doors to access the school building and remain in class bubbles wherever possible (unless it is detrimental to the learning or wellbeing of the child and additional mitigations can be put in place).  The school day will be staggered but we will continue to ensure a full day for all children. Drake Primary School will cease daily lessons online from Monday 8th March and all pupils will now attend school on site.


    Please note that we do provide a free school meal for all children in years Reception, One and Two. Simply choose your meal on our Pupil Asset Parent App. The school receives additional funding for our school when KS1 and Reception children order school meals.


    As always, we know we have your full support in reducing the transmission of the coronavirus in our school community. We would ask you to continue to


    ·        Avoid using the narrow path to the north of the school by using the nearest gate as you come to school and drop off all children at that gate

    ·        Wear a face mask at all times near school

    ·        Ensure children and adults have washed their hands before coming to school

    ·        Avoid using the play park until the end of the school day

    ·        Maintain social distancing of 2 meters at all times

    ·        One adult only to bring children to school

    ·        Where ever possible older pupils to walk to school unaccompanied

    ·        All gates are open from before 8:40 to 8:50 please ensure you arrive on time

    ·        Park at the leisure centre and walk down to the relevant gate

    ·        Only bring named packed lunch and water bottles and wear PE Kit or Forest school clothes as needed

    ·        Students should wear PE or Forest school kit to school when needed

    ·        Contact school through the office email account


    To ensure we can start lessons promptly and reduce risk of transmission please avoid chatting with other parents as the site will need to be cleared promptly to allow other year groups through the gate.

    We are looking forward to seeing all the children back at school on Monday 8th March.


    Kind regards,


    Louise Rosen
