
Drake Primary School and Little Pirates Child Care

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Our Mission, Vision and Aims

Drake Primary School and Little Pirates Childcare, where a world of opportunities awaits

Our school and curriculum must reflect the world: past, present and future, in all its diversity.

                        We unlock opportunity and inspire everyone.          


We aim to provide:

  • a school where learning is limitless and occurs within and beyond the classroom
  • a rigorous monitoring system to ensure no pupil falls behind and all children are safeguarded and nurtured
  • a diverse curriculum to explore communities locally, nationally and globally; to challenge stereotypes and promote courageous advocacy and social justice
  • a learning community where every pupil, family and staff member collaborate to refine practice and develop positive and rewarding relationships

So our mission is to:

  • inspire poets, geneticists and astronauts of the future through a curriculum of joy and curiosity
  • empower children to find their passions and develop the skills and knowledge to be successful in their lives
  • ensure children are happy and healthy through our values and play
  • develop a culture where reading for pleasure is for everyone
  • make the arts a central component for children’s lifelong learning
  • equip children with the skills and knowledge to responsibly engage with and prepare for the digital world

